Armored Cash in Transit Vehicles
Armored CASH TRANSIT Vehicles
Security for your valuables
The hectic task of transferring valuables in hostile situations is made secure and easy by the Artan armored Cash-In-Transit vehicles. They are suitable to transfer through any terrain and situation. They are built of heavy-duty chassis and their cash box provides enough security for transferring valuables such as cash, gems, jewelry, etc. These vehicles are suitable for organizations of the retail, commercial, banking sector, and government establishments that need secured transferring of their valuables. The CIT vehicles provided by Artan include Mercedes Actros, Toyota Hilux Cashbox, Ford F550. Artan's in-house design facility makes the vehicle with high-grade security without compromising its power or performance. The customers of Artan Armored Vehicles have the option of selecting the vehicle from stock or they can provide the vehicle for modification.